Category: Fashion
Created by: Xena
Number of Blossarys: 7
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Fashionable and bright in color, Adidas NEO is the most vibrant brand label in Adidas family. As its youngest member, Adidas NEO label inherited the brand's classic sports concept and the same time infuse new vitality to this series with bright colors, creating a life full of colorful imaginations. Adidas NEO label stands for the youngest and the most dynamic life attitude. Selena worked closely with the Adidas NEO in 2012-2013 as a global style icon to widely promote and kick off the younger, teen-focused Adidas NEO line. "I love playing around with fashion and like clothes that are fun, easy to wear and comfortable. My collection has a 'rock chic' theme and it's confident, rebellious and fun. It's also a little bit darker and I think it encourages girls to put their own stamp on their individuality and show confidence in what they are wearing," she said in a release.
Modi in svetle barve, Adidas NEO je najbolj živahno blagovne znamke label v Adidas družine. Kot najmlajši član, Adidas NEO oznako podedoval znamke 's classic športni koncept in hkrati Sipati novo vitalnost s to serijo s svetle barve, ki ustvarja življenje, polno pisane domišljijo. Adidas NEO oznako stojala za najmlajši in najbolj dinamično življenje odnos. Selena tesno sodelovala z Adidas NEO v 2012-2013 kot globalne slog ikone, široko spodbuja in kick off mlajši, teen usmerjene Adidas NEO linijo. "I love igranje okrog z modo in kot obleke, ki so zabavne, enostavne za obrabo in udobno. Moja zbirka je tema "rock je šik" in je prepričana, upornega in zabavno. Je tudi malo temnejši in mislim, da spodbuja dekleta dal svoj pečat na svojo individualnost in pokazati zaupanje v kaj nosijo,"je dejala v javnost.
By: Xena