Created by: Mathew.Childs
Number of Blossarys: 1
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A thermoplastic (heat activated) used on the surfaces of bathtubs and whirlpools. It usually comes in sheets and is backed by fiberglass to form waterproof shower walls.
A fitting that unites different types of pipe together, for example: ABS (Aristocraft bristone styrine) to cast iron pipe.
The measurement of constituents in a water supply which determine alkaline conditions. The alkalinity of water is a measure of its capacity to neutralize acids, also referred to as pH.
A device screwed into the end of a faucet spout that mixes air into flowing water, and controls flow to reduce splashing. It sometimes contains a baffle to reduce flow to 2.5 gpm.
The level of concentration of acid in water. Acid will neutralize an alkali or base. It is usually expressed in terms of its calcium carbonate equivalent .
A substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Most acids dissolve common metals and will react with a base to form a salt.
A rigid black plastic piping used for waste, vent, and drain lines.