U.S. Department of Defence
Industry: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Provides the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s personal recommendations to the Secretary of Defense for the programming and budgeting process before publishing the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) in accordance with 10 United States Code. The Chairman’s program recommendations articulates programs the Chairman deems critical for the Secretary of Defense to consider when identifying Department of Defense (DOD) priorities and performance goals in the DPG and emphasizes specific recommendations that will enhance joint readiness, promote joint doctrine and training, improve joint warfighting capabilities, and satisfy joint warfighting requirements within DOD resource constraints and within acceptable risk levels.
Provides the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s personal appraisal on alternative program recommendations and budget proposals to the Secretary of Defense for consideration in refining the defense program and budget in accordance with 10 United States Code. The Chairman’s program assessment comments on the risk associated with the programmed allocation of Defense resources and evaluates the conformance of program objective memoranda to the priorities established in strategic plans and combatant commanders’ priority requirements.
Provides regularly scheduled airlift for movement of sustainment cargo, depending upon volume of workload, between designated aerial ports of embarkation and seaports of debarkation over validated contingency or distribution channel routes.
Provides corps logistic support and command and control of water supply battalions.
Provides bulk transfer of petroleum directly from an offshore tanker to a beach termination unit located immediately inland from the high watermark. Bulk petroleum then is either transported inland or stored in the beach support area.
Provides an automated or manual crisis action capability to assess the effects of weapons of mass destruction events for operations planning. Residual capabilities assessment tasks include, but are not limited to, assessment of infrastructure and facility damage, fallout prediction, weapons effect analysis, population impact assessment, and tracking strategic assets.
Provides a means of disembarking vehicles from a roll-on and roll-off ship to lighterage. The roll-on/roll-off discharge facility consists of six causeway sections, nonpowered assembled into a platform that is two sections long and three sections wide. When use of landing craft, utility, as lighters, is being considered, a seventh “sea end” causeway section, non-powered, fitted with a rhino horn, is required. The roll-on/roll-off discharge facility assembly includes fendering, lighting, and a ramp for vehicle movement from ship to the platform.
Property that may be consumed in use or loses its identity in use and may be dropped from stock record accounts when it is issued or used.
Property of any kind or any interest therein, except real property, records of the Federal Government, and naval vessels of the following categories: surface combatants, support ships, and submarines.
Prompt aid that can be used to alleviate the suffering of foreign disaster victims. Normally it includes humanitarian services and transportation; the provision of food, clothing, medicine, beds, and bedding; temporary shelter and housing; the furnishing of medical materiel and medical and technical personnel; and making repairs to essential services.