Industry: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Spediteur ist Erklärung bestätigt nach Erhalt der Ware für den Versand geschrieben. Nicht die Sicherheit, aber oft notwendig für die Ausführung eines dokumentarischen Kredits. Siehe auch documentary Credit.
Qualifikation von Wertpapieren im Rahmen einer Analystenempfehlungen besagt, dass der Anleger am besten beraten sein würde, eine geringere Gewichtung in diese Sicherheit als in anderen oder in Bezug auf einen Maßstab zu halten.
Buch-Kredit gegen die treuhänderische Abtretung von bestehenden Forderungen gesichert. Siehe auch Rabatt-Gutschrift.
Tax-exempt foundation for the collective investment and management of the capital accumulated by Swiss company pension funds. As with investment funds, company pension funds may buy or sell so-called claims on their sub-funds. These sub-funds vary depending on their asset class and currency (some are mixed).
Share of a company of prime borrower standing. Original meaning of word: fragment of a diamond.
Also: depositary; depository. Bank or broker where the valuables contained in a custody account are stored for safekeeping.
Bill of exchange not directly connected with an actual business transaction. Frequently takes the form of a promissory note. Finance bills include Treasury notes, bills issued by public authorities and banker's acceptances.
Principle whereby the manager of a hedge fund does not receive a percentage of the growth in the fund's value until any losses incurred in the previous year have been made up during the current year.
Also: loan. Legal operation by which the creditor transfers money to the borrower which he/she must repay at the end of the term, when called or in instalments. Loans must be repaid and normally entail interest payments. Loans are categorized according to length of term, cover, purpose or form of interest. See also: unsecured credit, mortgage, collateral loan, working capital loan, capital investment loan, consumer credit, fixed advance.
Instruments of credit, monetary and currency policy which the central bank is authorized to use. The classical instruments include discount and Lombard policy, repurchase transactions, open market policy and minimum reserves.